We want to make sure that you have the right type of entity (Corporation, LLC, Partnership, Sole Proprietor) setup to protect your personal and business assets.
We are Certified Legal Document Preparers.
We want to make sure that you are taking advantage of all the benefits available to you through the existing tax code. Tax laws change frequently and you need to make sure that you are up to date on what changes are beneficial to you. You can be saving a lot of money by having the right taxation for your business (C-Corp, S-Corp, Partnership, Sole Proprietor).
We are experienced CPA's.
You should have a good bookkeeping / accounting software implemented for your company to make sure your books are accurate and that you have the right reporting accessible to the management to be able to make the best business decisions.
We are Advanced QuickBooks ProAdvisors.
Arizona has been going through a lot of changes in the sales tax law in the past few years which made the sales tax compliance very confusing. We can evaluate your business to make sure that you are reporting and paying the right amount of tax.
We have experienced sales tax preparers ready to help you.
Insurance is a confusing territory and if you are not insured properly it can have devastating consequences. You want to make sure you are protecting yourself, your employees and your clients.
It is very important to make sure that you classify people that work for you properly. It is not your option to pay people as 1099 contract labor, they have to qualify for it. We can review everyone that works for you to make sure they are classified right. Department of Labor has very very strict regulations on time keeping and employee classification.
It is crucial that you have a formal business & marketing plan that covers your next five years. This is the road map of your goals and how are you going to achieve them. Without it you are just floating and reacting to things instead of making things happen.
We have professionals that can help you formalize all of it.
It is critical to purchase and accumulate assets that will produce passive income later on for your retirement years. In order to purchase assets you may need to be able to finance a big portion of it. Good credit and good credit management will be crucial to your success.
We can help you with understanding how credit works for personal and business and help you fix it and manage it.
Every business owner works extremely hard at building a business and when they are ready to retire they should be able to sell their business for a great price. We can help you position your business to be desiderable for sale or help you with the transition of your business to your children or other family member if that is what you desire.
We work with certified mergers and acquisition specialists.